LUA_CPCALL(3) Library Functions Manual LUA_CPCALL(3)

lua_cpcallcalls the C function in protected mode, function indicator [-0, + (0|1), -]

#include <lua.h>

lua_cpcall(lua_State *L, lua_CFunction func, void *ud);

() calls the C function func in protected mode. func starts with only one element in its stack, a light userdata containing ud.

In case of errors, lua_cpcall() returns the same error codes as lua_pcall(3), plus the error object on the top of the stack; otherwise, it returns zero, and does not change the stack. All values returned by func are discarded.


Roberto Ierusalimschy, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, and Waldemar Celes, Lua 5.1 Reference Manual.

The lua_cpcall() manual page is based on Lua Reference Manual 5.1 and was created by Sergey Bronnikov.

July 14, 2022 Debian